Lake Stevens M.S. Law/Criminal Justice Academy

Welcome to the Lake Stevens Middle School Law/Criminal Justice Academy. Here at Lake Stevens Middle School we try to provide your child with a vast experience in the field of Law/Criminal Justice.  Your child will have an opportunity to visit different Criminal Justice Agencies from local, state and the Federal Government. Some of the field trips our students have gone on is to the FBI Headquarters, Emergency Management, University of Miami Law School, State Courthouse, Federal Courthouse, Supreme Court, State Capital, visited the world-renowned Parks and Crump Attorney at Law for Mock Trial Experience, Florida State University and Florida State University Law School.  In addition, our students have had different presenters from various Law Enforcement Agencies and attorneys’ sharing their experiences and perspectives.  Some of the presenters include:  Homeland Security, Customs, Miami Gardens, Inspector General Office, an Immigration Attorney, Malpractice Attorney, Civil Attorney and Family Attorney just to name a few. This class also aides in the re-enforcement of certain Civics Benchmarks.